1. Karen Knop, ‘Re/Statements: Feminism and State Sovereignty in International Law’ (1993) 3 Transnat’l L & Contemp Probs 293 at 344, quoting from Philip Allott, Eunomia: New Order for a New World (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990) at xv [Knop, ‘Re/Statements’].
2. Karen Knop, Diversity and Self-Determination in International Law (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2008) [Knop, Diversity and Self-Determination].
3. For discussion of this dimension of her work, see Ralf Michaels, ‘The Right to Have Private Rights’ in this issue [Michaels, ‘Right to Have Private Rights’].
4. Knop, ‘Re/Statements,’ supra note 1.
5. Ibid at 295. For an extensive meditation on this theme, see David Kennedy, ‘Possibility in Paradox: Karen Knop Re/Stated’ in this issue [Kennedy, ‘Possibility’].