1. Armed Forces occupational health--a review
2. Medical Surveillance of Injuries in the U.S. Military
3. A Process to Identify Military Injury Prevention Priorities Based on Injury Type and Limited Duty Days
4. Canadian Forces Health Services Group. Canadian Forces Health and Lifestyle Information Survey-2008/2009 Regular Force Report. Ottawa; 2010 [cited 2016 Feb 8]. Available from http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2011/dn-nd/D2-293-2010-eng.pdf
5. Hébert LJ. The use of a systematic process to reduce MSK injuries in the CF: comparisons of MSK injury profiles between the three CF environments, bases with different training requirements, and MOSIDs. Valcartier, QC; 2005 Mar. Final report regarding QOL funding for clinical research. Sponsored by the Canadian Forces Health Services Group.