Inaakonigeng ige-zhiwebiki’ba: Self-determining our path on the future of Indigenous STBBI research with the Feast Centre


Marsdin Bridget1,Jackson Randy1,Gooding William1,Masching Renée2,Booker Catherine1,Peltier Doris1,Hartmann Katrina1,O’Grady James1,Li Aaron1


1. Feast Centre for Indigenous STBBI Research, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

2. CAAN Communities, Alliances & Networks, Fort Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan, Canada


The future of Indigenous STBBI (sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections) research must address the unique needs of diverse First Nations, Inuit, and Métis (FNIM) communities across Canada. This requires the expansion of culturally responsive research approaches centred on FNIM ways of being, knowing, and doing. The Feast Centre for Indigenous STBBI Research (Feast Centre) is dedicated to expanding the use of FNIM research methods in response to the unique needs of distinct Indigenous communities and foregrounds the voices of Indigenous Peoples living with or affected by STBBI. Indigenous Peoples in Canada experience higher rates of STBBI compared to other populations, and this is linked to significant health disparities, meaning that conventional public health approaches are not meeting the needs of Indigenous communities. Canada’s colonial health policies sustain health disparities through a lack of culturally responsive approaches to STBBI prevention, treatment, and care. In this article we examine Indigenous STBBI initiatives foundational to the Feast Centre by focusing on the outcomes of a CAAN Communities, Alliances & Networks–led national Indigenous community consultation, the findings of the project’s Indigenous HIV and AIDS scoping review, and vital theoretical insights from Indigenous STBBI literature. We provide key recommendations that emphasize culturally responsive approaches to STBBI research that strive to meet community-identified needs while cultivating the inherent strengths of FNIM communities. We envision these key recommendations within the theoretical framework of Indigenous futurisms in ways that reconceptualize Indigenous STBBI research through cultural strengths and offer guidance for the direction of future research.


University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)


Psychiatry and Mental health,Psychology (miscellaneous)

Reference55 articles.

1. Outbreaks in the age of syndemics: New insights for improving Indigenous health

2. They tell us “we don’t belong in the world and we shouldn’t take up a place”: HIV discourse within two-spirit communities

3. Closing the gap between rhetoric and practice in strengths‐based approaches to Indigenous public health: a qualitative study

4. Working with Aboriginal young people in sexual health research: a peer research methodology in remote Australia

5. CAAN Communities, Alliances, & Networks & Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development. (2019). Indigenous harm reduction = reducing the harms of colonialism [Policy brief].







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