Student Involvement in Global Veterinary Education and Curricula: 7 Years of Progress (2013–2019)


Liatis Theophanes1ORCID,Patel Bhavisha2,Huang Michael3,Buren Lisa4,Kotsadam Georgios4


1. Veterinary Neurology, Small Animal Hospital

2. Animal Plant Health Agency

3. Veterinary Education of the International Veterinary

4. Veterinary Education of the International Veterinary Students


As central members of the veterinary education community, students are well placed to highlight current problems in veterinary education. Motivated by the lack of current formal student involvement, the largest global veterinary student association, the International Veterinary Students’ Association (IVSA), realized the necessity for students to express their opinions within the veterinary education field. Thus, two standing committees related to veterinary education were created: the Standing Committee on One Health in 2013 and the Standing Committee on Veterinary Education in 2014. For 7 years, veterinary students have been acting in a four-dimensional plane to involve students in (a) electronic educational resources and e-learning, (b) interdisciplinary collaboration and One Health, (c) curriculum involvement, and (d) vocational guidance. Through multiple projects, such as student and tutor interaction, idea exchanges, development of e-resources, and curriculum development campaigns, IVSA has managed to increase awareness to students and schools of the important role students play within veterinary education. This article highlights students’ ability to work together to help other students learn and succeed within their veterinary studies, as well as the necessity for student engagement in curricular renewal and development. Consequently, IVSA’s projects and achievements are described, highlighting a from students—to students approach to promote active student involvement in veterinary education and curricula globally.


University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)


General Veterinary,Education,General Medicine

Reference28 articles.

1. Stress and Depression among Veterinary Medical Students

2. Perceptions of fourth-year veterinary students regarding emotional support of clients in veterinary practice in the veterinary college curriculum

3. 3Federation of Veterinarians of Europe and International Veterinary Students’ Association. Veterinary student survey [Internet]. Brussels: Federation of Veterinarians of Europe and International Veterinary Student’s Association; 2015 [cited 2018 Oct 11].

4. Curriculum Integration within the Context of Veterinary Education

5. Veterinary Students and Their Reported Academic and Personal Experiences During the First Year of Veterinary School

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