Comparative analysis of the impact of synthetic additives and phosphatide concentrate on the adhesive properties of road petroleum bitumen


Lavrova I.О., ,Demidov I.M.,Cherkashina G.M.,Lebedev V.V.,Zabiyaka N.A.,


The adhesive properties of brand BND 60/90 road bitumen with the oxidized phosphatide concentrate additive were studied. It was shown that the oxidized phosphatide increases the adhesive properties of bitumen brand BND 60/90. Oxidized phosphatide concentrate can be recommended as cost-effective alternative to expensive synthetic cationic surfactants, which are now widely used as adhesives for road bitumen. Based on the results of laboratory tests, the mathematical analysis of the obtained data was performed. Comparative graphs were plotted, and Pearson's correlation coefficients and the approximation reliability values were calculated. It was found that the optimal composition for creating effective bituminous compositions with an increased thermo-physical and adhesive characteristics is 0.6 wt.% of oxidized phosphatide concentrate.


SHEI Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology


Materials Chemistry,General Chemical Engineering,Environmental Chemistry,General Chemistry

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