Development of electronic services of the Smart City


Tkachenko A. M.ORCID, ,Sevastyanov R.V.ORCID,


The article is devoted to the consideration of modern aspects of smart city development. It is noted that such development contributes to ensuring the efficient functioning of cities to effectively meet the needs of their residents. A smart city is an innovative system that uses sensors, the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and electronic services to increase the competitiveness and efficiency of urban services. It is established that sustainable development of a modern smart city should take into account economic, social and environmental aspects. The authors propose to use the classification of smart services in Zaporizhzhia in such areas as administrative and social services, health and medicine, cultural and entertainment services, socio-economic services, housing and communal services, and transport. The strategic directions of Zaporizhzhia's smart development are considered. The development strategy of Zaporizhzhia until 2028 envisages the development of a healthy environment and resource conservation, promotion of entrepreneurship and the creative economy, improvement of the quality of life of the population, and elimination of the harmful effects of hostilities. It is determined that the key tasks of the "smart city" for Zaporizhzhia are to increase the share of waste recycling, reduce air pollution in the city, and reduce the use of water resources by industrial enterprises. Entrepreneurship and the creative economy involve the development of processing enterprises and logistics with a low technogenic impact on the environment, reduction of emissions and introduction of the latest green technologies. To develop the creative economy in Zaporizhzhia, the authors propose the gradual commercialization of science, art projects and festivals, the increase in coworking spaces, and the popularization of IT technologies. The authors propose to expand the list of electronic services of the "smart city". This will help speed up management decision-making, save budget funds, and improve the provision of various services for individuals and legal entities.


SHEI Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology


General Medicine

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