Toolkit for providing economic and safe future of energy enterprises


,Levchenko SergeyORCID


The article states that the high pace of global transformational changes, the priority of reducing dependence on fuel and energy imports, the development of renewable energy sources, energy price fluctuations (caused by political instability and military confrontations), the instability of the environment for the functioning of energy enterprises and their positions. and the European energy market, the partial decommissioning of thermal power plants, the closure of mines and the reconversion of coal regions in accordance with international obligations require the search for effective tools to ensure an economically secure future of energy enterprises. It is substantiated that ignoring or not properly addressing the solution of this issue in the short term can lead to the destruction of the entire energy supply system of the country, which will have catastrophic consequences. The first steps to reform the electricity market and the results of their implementation are analyzed. New challenges to energy enterprises as a result of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into the territory of Ukraine were noted. It is emphasized that a number of regulatory changes introduced by the government, designed to stabilize the industry and solve critical problems, are not effective enough and did not provide the expected results. It is substantiated that the efforts of the Ukrainian government to reform the energy sector and ensure the construction of an economically secure future of energy enterprises should be based on four key global trends - decarbonization, decentralization, digitalization and ESG-investment. Based on the data of DTEK Group's integrated reports for 2016-2021, the importance of ESG-investment in the development and economically secure future of the Group's enterprises has been proven. It is noted that it is possible to accelerate the process of ESG-investment of energy enterprises by creating a favorable investment environment. The priority vectors for the formation of the ESG-investment environment for energy enterprises are determined and the expediency of their implementation is substantiated.


SHEI Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology

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