Application of interactive personnel adaptation: tools and challenges


,Shapka I. V.ORCID,Yashkina N. V.ORCID, ,Khridochkin A. V.ORCID, ,Oleshkevich I. P.ORCID,


In today’s dynamic business environment, which is rapidly changing and requires constant adaptation, effective personnel management is critical to the success of the enterprise. Approaches to ensure flexibility and adaptability of personnel are gaining importance, and the implementation of interactive adaptation is defined as one of the key directions in this context. The purpose of this article is to determine the essence and basic principles of interactive adaptation of personnel in the modern business environment, to provide a scheme for the implementation of interactive adaptation of personnel, to consider the tools and potential challenges that enterprises may face during the implementation of interactive adaptation. The research methodology involves a comprehensive analysis of literary sources of scientific literature, including articles by leading specialists-practitioners of companies. The results of the study show that the interactive adaptation of personnel can become an effective tool of human capital management, providing a high level of flexibility and adaptability in conditions of rapid changes. The importance of this approach lies in the ability of companies to create a favorable working environment, promoting active participation of personnel in decision-making processes and the search for innovative solutions. The scientific novelty of this article lies in highlighting the importance of interactive adaptation as a key element of modern personnel management. The practical value lies in highlighting key aspects and challenges in implementing this approach. The analysis of interactive adaptation reveals not only the theoretical aspects of this approach, but also takes into account the practical use and possible challenges faced by management and staff in the process of implementing this concept, which allows you to plan in advance and prepare for the effective application of interactive adaptation in a specific organizational environment.


SHEI Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology

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