Competitiveness of the company in the international environment


,Manaienko I. M.ORCID,Mykhiienko A. A.ORCID,


Countries, industries, and companies face new challenges in the conditions of globalization and constant changes in the world economy. Companies that provide services or produce products are constantly faced with intense competition, which makes it necessary for them to increase their competitiveness to ensure sustainable advantages over competitors in foreign as well as domestic markets. The purpose of this article is to study the features and components of the competitiveness of an enterprise operating on the international market, as well as the essence of competitive advantages that will allow it to achieve success. To conduct the research, the works of domestic and foreign scientists who studied the essence of the company’s competitiveness on the international market, and key methods were used: comparison, analysis, deduction, induction, and the dialectical method of scientific knowledge. Generalization of the existing definitions of the concept of “international competitiveness” will allow us to formulate our own. The conditions in which the enterprise is run, as well as its competitors, are factors that affect its competitiveness and determine its level in a specific period and on a specific market, therefore, there is a need for further development of requirements for competitive advantages and criteria for their assessment, as well as in understanding the expediency of each type of competitiveness depending on the period of its manifestation. Forming the competitiveness of the enterprise on the international market, it is important conduct a constant analysis of all its components in different periods of its operation, which helps to choose the best measures. In order to enter new markets, the company must form competitive advantages considering the forces affecting competition in the industry in which it operates, and they must also meet certain requirements and criteria, which are a consequence of their properties, under the influence of internal and external factors, and as a result will allow the company to achieve success on the international market.


SHEI Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology

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