On the Issue of Legal Regulation of I-Voting


Evsikov K. S.1


1. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSАL)


The article discusses the specific features of legislative regulation of i-voting. The study shows that public authorities often seek to restrict citizens’ access to this method of participation in government referring to technical and legal barriers to its use. The foreign experience considered in the article and the experience of remote e-voting in our country allows us to refute the reference to the presence of significant technical barriers to i-voting. Legal barriers, as the results of the study show, can also be overcome by changing the relevant legal norms.At the same time, it is noted that i-voting is in demand not only in public law, but also in private law. In this regard, the hypothesis of the need to open access to i-voting technology for subjects of private law is substantiated. The implementation of this proposal will help to increase confidence in the information system, increase the competencies of a wide range of people, and as a result, harmonize the digital transformation of the electoral process with the existing legal culture. The studied experience has shown that in the course of digital transformation, i-voting will face many technical and legal problems. At the same time, legal science should form an understanding of these difficulties, as well as proposals for their neutralization and overcoming. This is the only way for the Russian Federation to defeat «digital neo-luddism» in the field of digitalization of public administration in general and in the field of i-voting in particular.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University


General Medicine

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