1. Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The article deals with topical issues on the systematization of the legislation of the Russian Federation. The study outlines the problems and conceptual ways to solve them. Attention is drawn to the need to systematize the Russian information legislation, streamline existing laws, regulatory legal acts and bring all legal norms into a single legal system. Particular attention is paid to issues related to understanding the conceptual approach to the development of the Information Code, the use of legal structures, terms, the study of different views on the legal regulation of information relations, the state of legal regulation, the disclosure of contradictions and gaps. In the study, methods of analysis and synthesis were used. The study made it possible to draw a number of conclusions: that in the context of digital transformation it is necessary to develop and strengthen scientific and legal methods in various areas of the information society. It is necessary to legislate the concepts related to the circulation of information, as well as develop requirements for state information systems. It is substantiated that in real time, new scientific and theoretical approaches will contribute to the fundamental system of various legal structures, as well as systematize legal relations in the information sphere.
Kutafin Moscow State Law University
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