In Search of Interlanguage Correspondences in Legal Translation (Based on the Material of the Spanish Language)


Moiseenko L. V.1


1. Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU)


The article analyzes the specifics of legal translation and its ethnonational features based on the material of the Spanish language. Taking a text-centric approach to legal translation, a translator must convey a message not only from one language to another, but also from one legal system to another. The main difficulties in this case are related to terminology, and, in particular, to the lack of a corresponding equivalent term in the translating language, with the literal interpretation of the language sign, with terminological character of the language sign in translation. The difficulties of legal translation are not so much related to the language per se, as to the differences of concepts related to different legal systems. The method of conceptual translation, which consists in finding out how certain concepts are prescribed in Russian (Spanish) legal texts, allows us to find interlanguage correspondences and equivalent translation.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University

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