Formation of a digital environment of trust: dynamics of development of identification infrastructure in the implementation of digital services


Khimchenko A. I.1


1. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)


The study focuses on the development of identification tools at the present stage of digital transformation for the formation of a digital environment of trust. The author used the following methods: hypothesis building, idealization, legal modeling, comparative legal method. The results obtained: In the conditions of digital transformation, there is an active spread of the remote work model, an increase in the share of remote services and services in the traditional business turnover, as well as their complication and scaling. In these conditions, there is a need to apply high-quality identification solutions that contribute to the formation of an environment of trust in the digital space. The article examines the dynamics of the development of the current legislation in terms of identification, analyzes the current information and legal mechanisms for the implementation of identification, existing problems and trends in the provision of remote services and functions.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University


General Medicine

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