On the question of the functions of the constitutional ideal


Budagova A. Sh.1


1. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)


The article is devoted to the scientific problem of constitutional law — the definition of constitutional ideal and its main functions. The main task was to identify the concept of functions assigned to the constitutional ideal, provide classification of the functions and determine their formalization in the constitutional material. For the first time the analysis provided in the article relates to the concept of a value approach to constitutional law, constitutional norms, identifying the features of existing trends in foreign and domestic constitutional law. The ideas of Russian constitutional scientists were analyzed with respect to their understanding of the essence of constitutional ideal in different periods of the constitutional law science development. The article mainly focuses on highlighting the functions of the constitutional ideal, taking into account its main directions of influence on the formation of state and social development value model. As an example of ideological differences in the understanding of landmark values the article analyzes the legal formalization of the family and marriage institution in Russia and foreign countries.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University


General Medicine

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