1. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
This article analyzes some concepts of the science of municipal law, sets out their author’s vision, taking into account the ideas of the Russian scientist Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Fadeev. Recognizing the invaluable contribution of Professor V. I. Fadeev’s scientific views on the problems of the organization and functioning of municipal government in modern Russia, the legal nature and content of the competence of local self-government bodies, procedural support of the powers of municipal authorities and other subjects of local self-government are investigated.The author introduces the concept of municipal procedural activity into scientific circulation, the grounds for its separation from the structure of general municipal activity, formulates its purpose, defines its security role in the implementation of other types of municipal activities. According to the author, municipal procedural activity acts as an integral component of organizational, law-making, personnel, financial, law enforcement and other municipal activities.This activity is being updated in connection with the constitutional provisions of part 3 of Article 132 as amended in 2020 on the need for interaction of public authorities for the most effective solution of tasks in the interests of the population living in the relevant territory.
Kutafin Moscow State Law University
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