Economic Measures to Limit Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Comparative Legal Context


Krasnova I. O.1


1. Russian State University of Justice


The article gives an assessment and, in a comparative legal context, analyzes the emerging Russian legislation aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The carbon regulation system is based on the introduction of an innovative for environmental law procedure for trading greenhouse gas emissions. The review and analysis of international agreements on climate is given. It is concluded that the current agreements do not prescribe the introduction of a legal mechanism for trading in carbon units, since the Kyoto Protocol has not been in force with respect to Russia since 2012. The main influence on the development of domestic legislation is exerted by the climate legislation of the European Union. Comparisons of recent federal emission control laws show some discrepancies with the EU. Criticisms are expressed that create risks of reducing the effectiveness of laws, and proposals are made on the integration of legal measures to limit emissions into the general legal model of environmental protection. 


Kutafin Moscow State Law University


General Medicine

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