Standardization as a Means of Regulating Private Forensic Organizations


Chernyavskaya M. S.1


1. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)


The article is devoted to the application of standards in the field of regulation of forensic activities of private forensic organizations. Standardization is voluntary and is designed for forensic laboratories, i.e. for organizations, which directly engage in testing, calibration and sampling. However, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide the obligation to perform these actions in a forensic organization. So, the article shows the difference between the terms «forensic organization» and «forensic laboratory» and gives their definitions. Concludes that several requirements for forensic organizations should be incorporate into the law. The author formulates requirements for a mandatory package of documents that should regulate the activities of forensic organizations. The package of documents should include the charter of the organization, instructions for organizing the process of forensic examinations, information security policy.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University


General Medicine

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