The Role of the Legal Idioms in the Teaching of English to Law Students


Mishurova O. I.1


1. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)


The article deals with the most common English legal idioms, gives their lexical meaning and peculiarities of usage. The author also shows the history of origin of some legal English Idioms, that constitute a significant part of professional vocabulary, demonstrating the rich, original and unique nature of language, so one of the aims of the article is to prove that knowledge of idioms contributes significantly to the vocabulary of law students, thereby facilitating the formation of their secondary linguistic personality. The author points out that the knowledge of English idioms helps students to develop important skills of analysis, inference and deduction, as well as promotes interest in the artistic possibilities of language.The article attempts to classify the most popular English legal idioms according to their subject matter, which makes it easier for students to find the necessary lexical units for successful and productive foreign language communication. Based on the research performed, it can be stated that English idioms based on legal terms are quite numerous and appropriate in informal communication situations. The author also provides recommendations for law students studying English legal idioms.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University


General Medicine

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