Systematization of legislation as a way to ensure the effectiveness of legal regulation: theoretical and legal aspects


Petrakova M. S.1


1. National Research University Higher School of Economics


The analysis of the current state of legislation indicates that there are several problems, the solution of which can significantly increase the effectiveness of legal regulation. Achieving a high level of quality of legislation is possible by creating a certain model of systematization of legal norms, as well as the formation of a structured system of legislative acts. Systematization of legislation as a type of law-making should become a starting point in solving the problem of inefficiency of legal regulation, since it is the primary link of the mechanism of legal regulation. It wasconsidered that there was a need to provide a unified concept of reforming administrativeand tort law, which should be based on scientific and practical conclusions basedon the dynamics of changes in legislation. The author defends the position of full codification of administrative liability in compliance with the principles of completeness and consistency in a single normative legal act. In order to achieve certainty of the legal regulation of administrative liability, taking into account the two-level system, it is proposed to establish a single form of codification of norms in the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University


General Medicine

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