On the Question of the Concept of Artificial Intelligence Technologies


Dyakonova O. G.1


1. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)


Despite the existing legal definition, the concept of artificial intelligence, which has penetrated various spheres of human life, requires a more precise definition. However, in most cases, artificial intelligence is opposed to human intelligence, the so-called natural intelligence, which looks natural, but it is difficult to recognize as true. The article substantiates that the ways of understanding human intelligence and artificial intelligence (or machine intelligence) they are completely different because their nature is different. Based on the analysis of various approaches of scientists, both lawyers and engineers, as well as legislators to the definition of artificial intelligence, the author concludes that the most appropriate really understanding of artificial intelligence as a field of scientific knowledge of a complex nature. The author makes a conclusion about the ways of further application of artificial intelligence technologies in forensic activities, considering the spread of artificial intelligence technologies. The result of the study is the formulation of the definition of artificial intelligence technology.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University

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