Management decisions in emergency situations


Starostin S. A.1


1. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)


The article considers management decisions made by officials in conditions preceding emergency situations, as well as when they have already occurred and to eliminate the consequences of which require the creation of temporary forms of management and the use of special forces and means. On the basis of the analysis of examples it is concluded that the effectiveness of management decisions taken in emergency situation conditions depends on the quality of their preparation. Such management decisions should be prepared in advance and formalized as much as possible, which will avoid negative consequences. It has been proved that in extreme cases in conditions of time and resource shortage, lack of necessary legal norms, in order to save people it is possible to go out of the legal field and make management decisions that violate the law. Immediately after the liquidation of the consequences of an emergency situation, it is necessary to analyze the causes and conditions of such decisions and to adopt appropriate legal acts as soon as possible.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University

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