Theoretical and Practical Aspects of the Prosecutor’s Participation in Ensuring the Information security of the State in the field of Artificial Intelligence


Sokolov I. A.1


1. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)


The article analyzes the key aspects of the content of supervisory and non-supervisory activities of the prosecutor’s office in the field of the introduction, application and use of artificial intelligence: the subject and object of such activities. Based on the analysis of existing concepts in the field of subjectivity of artificial intelligence, the author identifies categories of objects of prosecutorial activity in the field under consideration, while concluding that the complex of technological solutions imitating and reproducing cognitive human functions by itself cannot be the object of such activity. As an urgent problem in the implementation of the practical activities of the prosecutor’s office in the field of the use of artificial intelligence, the author points out the lack of unified approaches to determining its methodological and organizational foundations, while noting that the prosecutor’s office has begun its information-analytical and digital reformatting since 2022, taking into account the existing need to use artificial intelligence technologies in their activities.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University

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