Russian Parliamentarism as a Social and Legal Phenomenon


Zubarev A. S.1


1. Voronezh State University


The paper discusses theoretical approaches to understanding Russian parliamentarism. The author analyzes generic and specific features, examines variants of the doctrinal interpretation of parliamentarism. There are two main approaches that reveal the concept of «parliamentarism». First, there is an approach that considers parliamentarism within the framework of the category «a form of the State» and its structural elements. The second approach understands parliamentarism as a complex social phenomenon functioning within the framework of constitutional laws. In the Russian constitutional law doctrine, the institutional approach to defining the concept of parliamentarism is usually «incomplete», limited only to the consideration of individual elements (public relations or legal regulation). The article proves that the institutional approach makes it possible to present parliamentarism as a socio-legal institution that includes the following mandatory elements: values (goals), statutory regulation, institutional subject composition and relevant social relations.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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