1. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
The paper discusses certain issues related to the legal regulation of relations arising in the creation and operation of hydraulic structures as an element of water management systems. The relevance of the topic raised is due to the significant impact on the water body of any hydraulic structure created for the use of water resources. The paper shows the legal nature of the relationship between a hydraulic structure and a water body and the ways of reflecting this relationship in the rules of law governing relations on the use and protection of waters; the legal regime for the protection of hydraulic structures from the negative consequences of improper operation is studied. Based on an analysis of the current Russian legislation, the author concludes that there is a differentiated approach to the legal regulation of the relations in question. The provisions of water legislation and legislation on environmental protection are applied to a hydraulic structure as part of a water management system that affects a water body. To a technically complex object, the improper operation of which potentially poses a threat to human life, different provisions are applied, namely the provisions of legislation and a number of regulatory and technical safety acts.
Kutafin Moscow State Law University
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1 articles.