Civil Society as in the Constitutions of Foreign Countries


Bagiryan G. A.1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


   Due to various circumstances, not every scientist recognizes the need for constitutional and legal regulation of the foundations of civil society. Some researchers argue their position by the fact that such regulation has not become widespread in the constitutional acts of countries with developed democracies. At the same time, in one form or another, certain aspects of civil society are found in the constitutions of foreign countries, which differ from each other in the way of organizing state power, and in the form of government, and in the regime of government. The paper provides an analysis of individual provisions of the constitutions of foreign countries from different regions of the world regarding the formal consolidation of the term «civil society», as well as the existence of constitutional and legal regulation of the foundations of civil society. An analysis of the constitutions of foreign countries made it possible to identify general patterns of disclosure at the constitutional and legal level of certain aspects that were traced in the provisions of the constitutions and directly related to civil society and its individual institutions.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University

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