Autonomy of Generative AI Digital Platforms in Regulating Relations with Users


Kharitonova Y. S.1ORCID


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The impact of the phenomenon of digital platforms on public relations can be explained, inter alia, by the fact that platform operators are beginning to compete with states for the right to set rules for users, which include almost all participants in civil turnover, inventive and creative industries, consumers of content, etc. Conditional privatization of the regulatory impact on public relations, based on the example of analyzing the rules of generative artificial intelligence platforms for creating various kinds of content, urges the State to respond. With regard to the legal regulation of digital platforms, it seems possible to build such a multi-level system of regulation of public relations that can be based on both general principles of law and codified norms. The developing discussion around the concept of the digital code of the Russian Federation allows us to formulate approaches to identify those areas of relations in the digital environment that are subject to state regulation in regulatory legal acts, as well as those that can be regulated at the level of "soft law" and within the framework of contracts between platform operators and users.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University

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