Forms of Human Rights Activities Implemented within the Framework of the Institute of the Financial Ombudsman


Surmeneva E. A.1


1. Branch No. 1 of the autonomous non-profit organization «Financial Ombudsman Support Service» in Saratov; Saratov State Law Academy


The paper analyzes the activities of the Institute of the Financial Ombudsman aimed to protect the rights and legitimate interests of consumers of financial services. The paper explains that human rights protection is carried out in two forms: procedural and non-procedural. According to the author, the procedural form of the human rights protection of the Institute of the Financial Ombudsman represents public relations between the Financial Ombudsman, consumers and financial organizations in the process of considering appeals under Federal Law No. 123-FZ dated 04.06.2018 «On the Ombudsman for Consumer Rights of Financial Services» and forms consistently carried out activities of the financial ombudsman as a public entity, related to the establishment of the factual circumstances of the dispute between the consumer and the financial institution, the application of their legal norms, the definition of protective measures, the issuance of a decision and the monitoring of its execution. The paper explains such areas of human rights activities implemented in a non-procedural form as consulting and educational work, expert and analytical activities, interaction and cooperation with human rights organizations and civil society institutions, improvement of legislation, consideration of appeals in accordance with Federal Law No. 59-FZ dated 02.05.2006 «On the procedure for considering appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation». It is concluded that the combination of procedural and non-procedural forms within the framework of the institution of the Financial Ombudsman gives human rights activities a systemic character, comprehensively ensuring protection of consumers of financial services.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University

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