The Practical Experience of Financial Investigations in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Problems of Searching and Returning Assets from Abroad


Seitenov K. K.1ORCID,Efimov S. V.2ORCID,Chernov P. L.3ORCID


1. Law Enforcement Academy under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2. Financial Investigations and Forensic Expertise (FI.Center)

3. Financial Investigations and Forensic Expertise, (FI.Center)


The article discusses the practical experience, prospects and vectors of development of financial investigations in Kazakhstan, the problems associated with the search and return of assets located abroad. The authors focus on the main obstacles faced by law enforcement agencies in the investigation of financial crimes, as well as existing mechanisms for the return of fraudulently acquired funds from abroad. The article highlights examples of successful and unsuccessful mechanisms for asset recovery, provides recommendations for improving the situation in this area.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University

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