Main Approaches to «Public Power» Definition in Public Law (State Law) Doctrines


Pilia D. E.1


1. Abkhazian State University; Institute of Economics and Law, Academy of Sciences of Abkhazia


The paper is devoted to examination of the main approaches to the definition of the concept of «public power» that has developed in the theory of state and law, in constitutional and administrative law. The analysis of theoretical and legal views allowed the author to conclude that public power in the theory of state and law is defined as an institutionalized legal social power supported by the force of coercion and exercised within a certain territory or social community. General theoretical conclusions and provisions have been developed in public law (state law) studies. The Russian theory of constitutional law is dominated by the concept of public power as the people’s power, according to which all power in the Russian Federation belongs to its multinational people. In addition, in constitutional law, a systematic approach to the definition of the concept of «public power» is widespread. As a rule, the systematic approach distinguishes three types (forms, levels) of public power: direct public power (direct democracy, public power), state power, municipal power. In administrative law, the research of public power has not been as widespread as in constitutional law. At the same time, the analysis of scientific sources allowed the author to single out institutional (public power is viewed through the prism of government bodies) and functional (public power as a set of functions and powers of government bodies and organizations endowed with state authority) approaches as the main approaches. The author concludes that regardless of the initial positions used by various public law doctrines the basic properties of public power include legitimacy, complexity, institutionality, functionality.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University


General Medicine

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