The Concept of Factor Analysis in the Implementation of Law-Making Process in the Russian Federation as an Innovative Method of Research (Case Study of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation)


Batyr V. A.1


1. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)


The paper offers some tools for modeling the prospects of social development through factor analysis as a method based on a mathematical analysis of the impact of various circumstances on the results of law making and law-enforcement activities, determining its effectiveness. The author coins the concept of «factor», which is a phenomenon accessible to human cognition (phenomenon-basis), causing and conditioning the emergence of another phenomenon (phenomenon-consequence); the possibility and ability to act from one state (stage) to another state (stage), or the actual sequential change of states in the development of something. The author identifies and classifies the basic factors (political, economic, social, spiritual) and indicator factors, which when interacting reveal the law-making factors as effective indicators. These factors are the interpreted conditions, causes, parameters that influence the law making and law-enforcement process and the actual result of this process; together they form a group of diagnostic indicators. These approaches are based on the established practice of implementing strategic planning documents adopted in the Russian Federation (general goal-setting; goal-setting according to the sectoral and territorial principle; forecasting; planning and programming), when target indicators and certain methods of their calculation are used as criteria for achieving the result of 51 state programs implemented in 8 directions. For the purposes of factor analysis in the implementation of law-making process, it is necessary to develop the capabilities of information systems. The author proposes a matrix of the factor system aiming at creating of a scientific image full with ideas as to the interaction of conditions (factors). On this basis, factor-modeling technologies are identified, their goals, types and main stages are determined, and an analysis of the legal framework governing relations in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation is undertaken. The author proposes developing the Arctic Code of the Russian Federation. The proposed methodology can be used quite effectively to improve the law-making procedures.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences

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