On Certain Areas of Improvement of Control and Supervisory Activities in the field of Ensuring Transport Safety in Railway Transport


Zaikova S. N.1


1. Saratov State Law Academy


Various types of control and supervisory measures provide the anti-terrorist protection of transport (railways included) from potential threats. An important role is assigned to the federal state control (supervision) in the field of transport security, despite the fact that Federal Law No. 17‑FZ of 10.01.2003 «On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation» and the Charter of Railway Transport do not mention this type of transport supervision. The analysis of the subject, objects, participants and the content of administrative and legal relations arising in the implementation of transport supervision on railway transport allows us to attribute this activity to the control and supervisory and identify a number of its features. The peculiarity of risk management to ensure the anti-terrorist security of railways is the attribution of certain types of activities of controlled persons to one category of severity and risk probability group. This provision makes it possible to plan and carry out uniform preventive measures against one controlled person both within the framework of federal state control (supervision) in the field of transport security and within the framework of federal state control (supervision) in the field of railway transport. Amendments have been proposed to the Federal Law «On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation» in terms of supplementing it with norms on transport security and to the Regulation on Federal State Control (Supervision) in the field of Transport Security, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1051 of 06/29/2021. The main directions for transport supervision improvement include: carrying out control measures aimed at identifying potential threats to the automated transport security system; expanding the list of situations that can be simulated during the experiment; using a permanent raid as a special mode of transport supervision on the railway; conducting an inspection visit with respect to vehicle owners; developing an information resource for conducting self-examination as a preventive measure.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University


General Medicine

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