1. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
In law enforcement practice, there are many examples when public authorities are unable to ensure law and order in the use of digital technologies. This is attributed to the fact that law-making activities in the field of digital law are focused on “pre-digital” methods of public administration. This imbalance between legal regulation and public relations arising in the digital environment can be resolved through the institution of digital maturity, the formation of which is closely interrelated with the institutions of digital transformation and the digital state. The paper analyzes the basics of the designated legal concepts through the analysis of the legal regulation of the evolution of the implementation of information technologies by public authorities.One of the most important internal functions of the state is to work with information, which today has become a central element of managerial decision-making. This state of affairs makes it possible to call the state one of the beneficiaries of information revolutions. The society has gone through four information revolutions, each of which transformed the system of public administration. Today we can observe a new information revolution associated with the use of end-to-end digital technologies that have already had an impact on society and the mechanisms of the state. The paper systematizes information revolutions and their impact on the transformation of the public administration system and social interaction. The analysis made it possible to predict changes in the mechanism of the state caused by these processes.To analyze the use of information technologies in the field of public administration, the paper summarizes the existing state legal concepts in this area. The analysis made it possible to identify their haphazardness and inconsistency. To eliminate this shortcoming, the paper formulates a universal classification of state legal concepts, including the following legal categories: electronic state, electronic democracy, electronic autocracy, electronic government, electronic justice, and electronic parliamentary, digital state. The proposed classification should contribute to improving the quality of law making and law enforcement activities in the process of regulating the use of information technologies in the field of public administration.
Kutafin Moscow State Law University
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2 articles.