1. Achenwall, G., 1763. Juris naturalis pars posterior complectens jus familiae, jus publicum et jus gentium in usum auditorum. Göttingen: Bossiegel.
2. Anon., 1751. Von der hohen Würde des Menschen. Der Mensch: eine moralische Wochenschrift (edited by G. F. Meier and S.G. Lange, Halle a.S.), Thl. 1, St. 3, pp. 17-24.
3. Anon., 1777. On the Dignity of Human Being, in Relationship to God and the World. Utrennij svet, ezhemesyachnoe izdanie [Morning Light, monthly edition] (St. Petersburg), Pars 1, December, pp. 285-297. (In Rus.)
4. Baglay, M. V., 2007. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii: uchebnik dlya vuzov [Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation: textbook for High Schools]. Moscow: Norma. (In Rus.)
5. Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1949. Translated by C. Tomuschat, D. P. Currie, D. P. Kommers and R. Kerr, 2022. Available at: (Accessed 9 January 2024).