A part outside the whole? (To Anton Zimmerling's article “Really: syntactics without semiotics?”)


Chebanov Sergey V.1


1. Saint Petersburg State University


Before delving into the connections between linguistics and semiotics, it is essential to es­tablish a clear demarcation between these fields, which necessitates a precise definition of each subject. However, the approach taken by Anton Zimmerling in this regard is subject to de­bate. In the discussion of semiotics, the focus tends to lean towards interpretations that recog­nize the dual understanding of signs, while unilateral conceptions of signs are often over­looked. Linguistics is typically confined to the study of language itself, and the treatment of linguistics concerning speech (text) is often seen as a concealed branch of philology. Moreo­ver, it remains unclear whether the distinction between language and speech pertains to lin­guistics or philology. This ambiguity extends to the status of linguistic pragmatics. To address this issue constructively, it is useful to differentiate between five concepts en­compassing language and speech: hermeneutics, philology, linguistics, semiotics, and prag­malinguistics. Each of these concepts delineates a specific ontology and corresponding metho­do­lo­gical approach. By considering them as orthogonal axes within a fan matrix, one can identify 25 possible approaches for studying speech, including those that are currently em­ployed and potential ones. Within this framework, philological linguistics, as discussed by Zimmerling, finds its place, and the transitions of scholars like Witzany from biohermeneu­tics to biopragmalinguistics and Ongstad's shift from philology become more comprehensible.


Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University


Literature and Literary Theory,Language and Linguistics

Reference56 articles.

1. Averintsev, S. S., 1977. Poetika rannevizantiiskoi literatury [Poetics of Early Byzan­tine Literature]. Moscow (in Russ.).

2. Chebanov, S. V. and Dmitrieva, M. A., 2009. Directions in Interpretative Biosemi­otics. In: 9th Gathering in Biosemiotics. Prague, p. 26.

3. Chebanov, S. V. and Martynenko, G. Ya., 1990a. The main types of ideas about the nature of language. In: Acta et commentationes universitatis tartuensis, 911. Tartu, pp. 112—136 (in Russ.).

4. Chebanov, S. V. and Martynenko, G. Ya., 1990b. Ideas of hermeneutics in applied linguistics. In: Quantitative linguistics and automatic text analysis. 1990. Acta et Commen­tationes Universitatis Tartuensis, 912. Tartu, pp. 92—111 (in Russ.).

5. Chebanov, S. V. and Martynenko, G. Ya., 2007. On the hermeneuticization of ap­plied linguistics. In: Vestnik Tverskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Filologiya [Herald of Tver State University Series: Philology], 11 (207), pp. 273—291 (in Russ.).

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