The article is about methodological approaches to the typology of municipalities of the Russian Federation based on the microstatistics level. The typology is carried out according to two criteria: type of settlement system and specialization of the economy. One of the research task is to analyze the approaches to the delimitation of urban agglomerations for better understanding of their role in the settlement system. As a result, each municipality got type: characteristics of its social, economic and spatial development. Supposals about factors influencing on socio-economic development pathway are given in the article. The uneven intraregional development requires careful consideration of territory’s characteristics for successful management of their socio-economic growth. Focus of spatial policy on the municipal level allows to respond to the specifics and potential of territories for the development and implementation of effective federal and regional spatial policies, increase its evidence and give additional opportunities for evaluating its results.
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
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4 articles.