Quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field are known to produce the atomic Lamb shift. We here reveal their iconic signature in semiconductor physics, through the blue-shift they produce to optically bright excitons, thus lifting the energy of these excitons above their dark counterparts. The electromagnetic field here acts in its full complexity: in addition to its longitudinal part via interband virtual Coulomb processes, the transverse part —which has been missed up to now— also acts via resonant and nonresonant virtual photons. These two parts beautifully combine to produce a bright exciton blue-shift independent of the exciton wave vector direction. Our work readily leads to a striking prediction: long-lived excitons must have a small bright-dark splitting. Although the analogy between exciton and hydrogen atom could lead us to see the bright exciton shift as a Lamb shift, this is not fully so: the Lamb shift comes entirely from virtual photons, whereas the Coulomb interaction also contributes to the exciton shift through the so-called “electron-hole exchange”.
french Agency for Research
General Physics and Astronomy
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4 articles.