In this paper, we derive maximal acceleration of a massive particle in Rainbow gravity. Using eight-dimensional phase-space metric compatible with Rainbow gravity, we obtain the maximal acceleration, valid up to first order in the Rainbow gravity parameter η. Using the positivity condition on maximal acceleration, we find that the upper bound on the Rainbow gravity parameter is of the order of
for positron and
for a black hole. After obtaining the expression for maximal acceleration for different choices of Rainbow functions, we derive corresponding modifications to Unruh temperature. Comparing with the observational value of the Unruh temperature, we find the upper bound on η as
for positron radiation. We then derive geodesic equations for different choices of Rainbow functions and also obtain the Newtonian limit of these geodesic equations. We find that the changes in the value of maximum acceleration, maximum temperature and Newtonian force equation are dependent on the choices of Rainbow functions.
UGC, India
Ministry of Education, India