Bacterial microbiota is predominantly present in all living organisms. Most
of the bacteria present in the gut of the fish are contaminating the food
chain. In the present study, we aimed to isolate and characterize the
bacteria in the gut of Epinephelus sp. in the red sea of Jeddah, Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia. Bacteria were isolated from the guts of 10 fish samples and
were grown on Luria Bertani (LB) and nutrient agar media. Total thirteen
bacterial colonies were screen out by morphological identification i.e.,
color, shape, structure, etc. which were further reduced to 7 colonies e.g.,
IF001, IF002, F003, IF004, F005, IF006, and IF007. The bacterial isolates
were also identified through molecular identification using 16S-rDNA
sequencing. The genomic DNA was isolated and was sequenced using the
Sanger® sequencing method. BLAST alignment results that IF001 and IF002
were members Bacillus sp. IF003 was a strain of photobacterium damselae,
IF004 and IF006 were strains of Rothia endophytica, IF005 was a strain of
Acinetobacter bouvetiiand IF007 was belonged to Shewanella oneidensis.
The molecular identification confirmed the identification of bacterial
isolates in the Epinephelus sp. obtained from the red sea.
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1 articles.