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2. Wako I. Kilkisna biomechanical characteristic of the basic technique of hand-to-hand combat of cadets in the process of special physical training / Ilya Vako // Young Science Newsletter of the European National University of Ukraine for Men of Forest. - 2015. - VIP. 17. - S. 33–38. Fakhove's vision of Ukraine.
3. Wako I. Special features of training in hand-to-hand combat in the minds of operative athletes of special services Theory and technique of physical training and sports. - 2015. - No. 3. - P. 42–47.
4. Wako I. І. Special features of hand-to-hand combat techniques in the process of special physical training of cadets Science hour writing of the National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Dragomanov (Ser. No. 15: Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture / physical sports) for culture. G.M. Arzyutova. - K.: NPU imene M.P. Dragomanova, 2015. - Vip. 6 (62). - S. 17–20.
5. Wako I. Technology for improving the technique of hand-to-hand combat of the Maybut specials of the Security Service of Ukraine. Young Science Newsletter of the European National University of the Ukrainian Forest. - 2015. - VIP. 19. - S. 37–42. Fakhove's vision of Ukraine.