Khomitska V.,Pidvalna O.,Buleychenko O.
Smoking in all its manifestations (cigarettes, cigars, calamities, pipe tobacco, hookah, snuff, snus, betel, quid), as well as the impact of its combustion products on non-smokers (passive or forced smoking), significantly increase the incidence and premature deaths caused by more than 20 different diseases. Physical and psychological dependence on nicotine develops much faster than on alcohol. Cigarette smoking immediately affects the human body and creates long-term effects. Immediate exposure is a consequence of increased levels of adrenaline in the blood and is to increase heart rate by 30%, blood pressure - by 5-10 mm Hg. Art., slowing of peripheral blood circulation, which causes a decrease in temperature of the upper and lower extremities. An analysis of the survey showed that 100% of respondents understand the harmful effects of smoking on health. Among the respondents, 81.2% of respondents smoke or have tried at least once, but only 18.2% have never smoked. The first attempt to smoke in 57.6% of respondents was for the company, and 42.4% out of curiosity. In 21.2% of respondents, one parent smokes, in 39.4% - both parents smoke, and in 39.4% of respondents, parents do not smoke. To the question, "Do you smoke regularly?" 33.3% answered -yes, 66.7% - no. When determining the habit of smoking, 63.6% of respondents said that they have a psychological dependence, 36.4% - physical, ie most respondents smoke due to the psychological state when they experience stress, for emotional relief. Therefore, the urgency of the problem is due to the significant spread of smoking among the population of Ukraine, including among university students and the direct impact of smoking on their health and others.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
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