Professional and communicative сompetence as one of the requirements for the formation of a modern coach's personality


Hryban H.ORCID


The article deals with the problematic issues of forming the professional and communicative competence of future coaches in modern sports. The issues of professional speech of a modern coach are substantiated. It is proved that the formation of professional and communicative competencies of modern coaches should be considered as an integral system of interrelated components. It is found that the professional and communicative competence of a coach is a dynamic combination of knowledge, skills, practical skills, ways of thinking, professional, ideological, civic and volitional qualities, moral and ethical values, which determines the ability of a coach to successfully carry out professional activities at different levels from children's and youth sports schools to national teams of the country. Knowledge of language is one of the components of a coach's professional training, because language expresses thoughts, is a means of cognition and activity, so a coach must learn proper professional communication throughout his or her life. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the ways of forming professional and communicative competence of modern sports coaches. The formation of communicative competence should be based on the following categories: speech content, speech structure, communicative skill, sound design, practical orientation, and the image of the future coach. Thus, speech activity is an objective process, as it concerns native speakers, and at the same time it is a subjective process that is realized through the subject's speech. The pedagogical formative experiment involved 106 students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of the Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University (experimental group - n=54; control group - n=52). The content of the educational process in the experimental group included the assimilation of knowledge by future coaches on the main and selected components of the educational program 017 - Physical Culture and Sports, the coaching practice and the defense of qualification work. The means of forming professional and communicative competence, which were introduced into the educational process of the experimental group, improved special knowledge of the mandatory components of the educational program by 27.74 points with a difference in reliability of P < 0.001 and by 25.92 points at P < 0.001 for the selected components.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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