Innovative approaches of future martial arts coaches and physical education teachers to the Model Curriculum Physical Education Grade 5-6. Variable module Combat Horting in martial law conditions for the formation of an active life position


Dikhtiarenko Z.,Dovhan N.,Otravenko O.,Yeromenko E.,Zavistovskyi O.


In the scientific work, an analysis of literary sources was carried out in recent years and more than five hundred scientific publications were identified, which confirms the relevance of martial arts – Combat Horting among scientists, teachers, trainers, athletes, fans, etc. Thus, competitions of various levels and, accordingly, scientific research are held systematically according to the calendar. The model educational program «Physical culture. 5-6 grades» for institutions of general secondary education. Variant module «Combat Horting». Its implementation contributes to the formation of an active life position in future coaches (students and cadets) martial arts, pupils who later become successful individuals. The authors of the publication describe three stages of the pedagogical experiment (1st: summarization of data from literary sources from a specific research area; 2nd stage: determination of physical capacity according to the test PWC170 – Step-test). To determine the power of the performed work (W) and the number of ascents, we took: two weight categories – 33 kg and 35 kg for younger teenagers: fifth-grade students; four weight categories (50 kg, 55 kg, 60 kg, 65 kg) of youth student, cadets. Thus, the results calculated by the mathematical method were obtained.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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1. Improving the Theoretical Preparation of trainers who Specialize in Martial Arts for the use of Modern Fitness-technologies in Professional activities;Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports);2023-10-20







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