Impact of Sambo Techniques on Students' Physical Health during the Study in Higher Education Institutions


Dzenzeluk D.O.,Zahura F.I.,Pylypchuk P.B.,Kandilov I.Yu.


The article presents the results of the application of sambo techniques to the physical health of student youth in higher education institutions. During the research the following methods were used: analysis and use of data on scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical observation; anthropometry and physiometry; pedagogical experiment and methods that used statistics. The study of body mass index, life index, power index, Robinson index, the time of recovery of heart rate to baseline after 20 squats in 30 sec and, in fact, the level of physical health by the sum of points according to the method proposed by G.L. Apanasenko during the first and second stages (I-II courses of study) showed that one of the ways to improve the level of physical health of student youth is to introduce sambo sports educational classes into the curriculum. This is manifested at the end of the experiment that there was the decrease in number of experimental group (EG) of students with low and below average physical health: in the group of male students by 60%, in the group of female – 47, 4%. The number of male EG students with average and higher than average levels of physical health increased from 16.0 to 76.0%, female students - from 19.1 to 81.5%, which ensured that students were engaged in systematic physical exercises that allowed to improve their level of fitness, physical development, functional state and physical health.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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