Organizational and practical features of rational training of 17-21-year-old football players during the transition to professional football


Balan Вogdan


The article is devoted to solving the problem of managing the training of football players aged 17-21 during the transition to professional teams. The paper characterizes the modern system of long-term improvement in the context of preparing football players for performances in professional teams. The general problems of managing the training of football players aged 17-21 during the period of transition to professional teams are highlighted and the prospects for their solution are presented. It was revealed that the level of technical-tactical and special physical fitness of athletes after graduation from the children's and youth football school does not correspond to the model indicators of the players of professional football teams. The main reasons for the termination of sports by talented youth during the transition to professional teams have been established: non-compliance of psychophysiological functions and basic motor qualities of players aged 17-21 with the requirements of the training process and competitive activity of professional teams; sports injuries in interdependence with the educational and training process and competitive activity in the early stages of long-term improvement; demographic features of football activity. It has been proven that graduates of sports schools and youth football organizations need from three to five years to develop sports skills, functionality and their effective implementation in professional teams of different leagues in Ukraine. The article determines that the improvement of the training management of 17-21-year-old football players during the transition to professional teams is due to the qualitative transformation of two interrelated elements that are of decisive importance for the systematic development of young talents: the competition system and the training system. The results of the pedagogical experiment, which provided for the optimization of the content of training loads in accordance with the system of holding competitions among teams under 21, indicate that the indicators of special physical and technical-tactical fitness of football players have gradually improved. The 19-21-year-old athletes corresponded to the level of model data of the players of the professional teams of the second and partially the first leagues of the championship of Ukraine.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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