Indicators of the effectiveness of the competitive activity of boxers, taking into account different manners of fighting


Hutsul Natalia,Okopnuy Andriy,Sosnovsky Dmytro,Kotelnyk Andriy,Mysyshyn Petro


Boxing is one of the famous and spectacular sports in our country and abroad. The progress of sports is determined on the basis of objective knowledge about the structure of competitive activities and the preparation of athletes, taking into account the general laws of the formation of sports skills and the individual capabilities of single-player athletes. In competitive activities, the positive and negative sides of boxers' skill are reflected, and therefore the features of modern boxing. However, it is not so easy to detect them due to the complexity of the matches during the competition, i.e. the competitive activity itself, which consists of a large number of the most diverse aspects of the process and, accordingly, ways of studying them. In the theory and methodology of boxing, we did not find a clear concept of studying the patterns of the development of competitive activity. We performed a selection of technical and tactical indicators of sports activity, which are determined primarily by the total number of blows and were used during the fight: the coefficient of effectiveness of blows (KEU) - the ratio of the number of blows that reached the goal to the total number of blows inflicted during the fight; defense reliability coefficient (DRC) - the ratio of the number of effective blows to the total number of blows inflicted during the fight; density of technical actions (SHTD) - the ratio of the number of hits that reached the goal to the duration of the match (in minutes); attack interval (IA) - the ratio of the duration of the fight (in seconds) to the total number of blows inflicted during the fight. The results of various experimental and theoretical studies in this direction are difficult to systematize in connection with the various goals, tasks and methods of these studies, which reduces the value of the obtained scientific data. The rules of boxing competitions, including the fight formula, were often changed during the period under consideration. The return to the previous 3×3 system again changed the requirements for the standards of organizing competitive activities of athletes in amateur boxing. As it was shown above, when the battle formula is changed, the parameters of the competitive activity also undergo changes, for example, the battle density indicator increases. In this regard, in the training process, it is necessary to take into account the rules by which the future fight is planned. This will make it possible to transform sports loads in a timely manner, taking into account the revealed patterns of changes in competitive activity indicators.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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