Analysis of the physical development of athletes aged 8-10 in dance sports


Artemieva Halyna,Polulyakhov Sergiy


The article presents a comparative analysis of physical development parameters by age and gender categories. The analysis was conducted among 8-10-year-old athletes from the dance sport of the sports club "Courage" in the city of Kharkiv and the standard of children of Ukraine. The conducted research proves the presence of a fairly high variation of the individual characteristics of the physical development of athletes. The circumference of the chest of male and female partners indicates the normal rate of development of the respiratory apparatus of the athletes under study. The analysis of height and body weight indicates an accelerated rate of maturation of the bodies of female partners of all studied age groups and the bodies of 9-year-old partners. The body weight and height parameters of the 8- and 10-year-old partners are within the limits of the standard for Ukrainian children of this age. The obtained data made it possible to plan training loads adequate to the individual parameters of the studied athletes in dance sports. The collected data will also be used in the selection of athletes for joint sports activities in dance sports.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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