Useing physical games for primary school age experience harmonious development, from countries across the world


Shuba L.V.,Shuba V.V.,Shuba V. O.


The preservation and enhancement of health represent a significant challenge for virtually every country worldwide. Presently, a nation's health is regarded as a measure of its level of civilization, serving as a reflection of the societal socio-economic context. Correct development of the preschool child is impossible without adequate physical activity. It is also important that the children have intensive growth and development of body systems as a result of competent and correct exposure. The prerequisites for physical, intellectual, and spiritual abilities and also comprehensive development of the personality in general are formed at this age. The purpose of the article is to analyze the useing physical games for primary school children in different nations around the globe. Physical games are distinguished by their variability and flexibility, which is their important feature. They can be adapted to the needs of different age groups, fitness levels and children’ interests. They can also be used as a means of cross-cultural understanding, where children from different cultures and traditions can demonstrate their traditional movement games and learn new ones. Physical culture and physical games are interconnected, because physical games are an important part of physical activity and are included in the physical education program. Analyzing the presented material, we conclude that the chosen topic is very interesting and opens up many opportunities for considering the integration of various programs among themselves and identifying interesting patterns depending on the country and cultural traditions.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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