Analysis of the working program of the curriculum of physical education and special physical training of cadets of the mechanismed units of the military educational institution


Oderov A.,Romanchuk S.,Pervachuk O.,Nebozhuk O.,Melnykov A.,Kovalchuk R.,Homaniuk S.,Arabskyi A.,Ishchenko Y.,Zamaraiev M.


In today's conditions, the analysis of the planning documentation on the organization of the educational process in the military educational institution showed the need to find relevant directions and methods of improving the level of training of mechanized troops in military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Given the lack of proper professional selection in physical training for higher military educational institutions, the purpose of our research is to conduct an analysis of the existing system of physical training of specialists of the mechanized forces of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, to study the existing problems and shortcomings and to propose ways to solve them. Thus, in order to increase the effectiveness of the educational process in the existing conditions, it is necessary to consider a comprehensive approach to the introduction of issues from special disciplines for specialists of mechanized units into the work program of the educational discipline (including classes close to the combat activity of infantry soldiers) and to develop and propose recommendations on improving the system of physical training in educational institutions of the Ground Forces of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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