Peculiarities of foreign experience of training of future teachers in the context of their professional formation


Kaplinskyi V.,Belinska T.,Minenok A.


The process of professional development of a future teacher cannot be successfully carried out without its combination with advanced foreign technologies of professional training and their reflection in domestic state and regional programs of the development of pedagogical education. Progressive achievements of the foreign countries (Germany, France, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, Finland, etc.), which demonstrate a high level of professional training of teachers in accordance with world standards; preserve the rich historical traditions of education, which ensures their leading role in the scientific and educational field; have accumulated significant experience of training teachers in new socio-cultural conditions present particular interest. The professional training of future teachers in these countries is used as a flexible element of professional and personal development of a person throughout life. The article identifies the main trends in the training of future teachers in Germany, France, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, Finland and others in the context of their personal and professional development and its adaptation to the conditions of professional training of future teachers in the domestic educational space of higher education institutions. Foreign experience in the training of future teachers has opened up new opportunities to improve the system of professional development of future teachers in Ukraine.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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