Yachnyk Maksym,Zendyk Olena,Iachniuk Iurii,Iachniuk Iryna,Gorodynskyi Sergii
Modern life is quite comfortable. Less and less physical effort a human spends to meet every day needs. A sedentary lifestyle is becoming habitual for many, but it is important to remember that a young body needs exercise to grow and develop. In order to maintain good physical shape, you should do exercise. As a result, physical qualities develop: endurance, strength, agility, speed, flexibility. First of all physical activity improves not only the physical form, but also promotes the harmonious development of the child, strengthening his health. It is easier to raise a healthy child it quickly acquires the necessary skills and abilities, better adapts to changes in environmental conditions. It is easier to raise a healthy child, which quickly acquires the necessary skills and abilities, better adapts to changes in environmental conditions. An active healthy child is always strong and cheerful. Insufficient motor activity, vice versa, leads to weakness, weakens the body and its resistance to various diseases. Hypodynamia has an negatively affects mental development, reduces efficiency. This indicates a close relationship between mental and physical development. Daily exercise, participation in moving games; long walks are necessary condition for creating an optimal motor that meets the biological needs of the child's body.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
Reference3 articles.
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